Social Europe – European Pillar of Social Rights

Social security makes Europe unique. In no other region of the globe do people benefit so much from social security systems. But these systems must also be adjusted from time to time, to keep up with the changes that are happening. At EZA, we try to identify ways of doing just that. Because social security is primarily an opportunity for economic growth and peaceful coexistence. The European Pillar of Social Rights - as proclaimed by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission at the Göteborg Social Summit 2017 - is a milestone of European social policy. It places the focus of European policy firmly on the social dimension of the EU. Its objectives include equal opportunity, better access to labour markets, fair working conditions, fair wages and therefore fair pensions, and better social protection. At EZA, we explain the principle of the Pillar and identify opportunities for designing social policies on this basis.


Promotion of social and labour rights: Foundations of the welfare state
Region of Porto / PT
The development of social dialogue in the context of European social policy initiatives (EZA conference Brussels)
Brussels / BE
The lack of employment opportunities for women in rural areas as decisive factor for depopulation (part 2)
Matera / IT
Special project for workers' organisations in candidate countries – Concluding perspective seminar
Sofia / BG


Christian Social Values in European Trade Unions and Workers’ Organisations

European Pillar of Social Rights - Delivering on the overwhelming ambition for a social Europe

European pillar of social rights

European Pillar of Social Rights – Quo Vadis?

Youth and the labour market

Working and living after the crisis

Integration and inclusion in the labour market in the European Union

Successful Social Dialogue in Europe – Criteria, Values and Implementation

Mobility and migration: co-ordination of social security – a stabilising element for life and work in Europe

Trade union strategies to promote good labour relations in a changing industrial landscape

The Quality of new Jobs and Challenges for Workers’ Organisations – The Europe 2020 Employment Package and job quality in the green economy, the ICT sector and the care sector

Europe 2020 – In-work poverty. Challenges for workers’ organisations

Ways out of the Debt Crisis

Europe 2020 – How to meet the 75% employment rate target in a decent way?

Youth unemployment

More and better jobs

Flexicurity - more security through greater flexibility in the labour market?