Employment relationships and co-determination

What exactly is a modern employment relationship? The advance of digitisation also expands the bandwidth of employment relationships, even within companies. Permanent full-time employees work alongside temporary workers, contract workers, freelancers - all of whom experience different working conditions, rights and wages. Shaping this diversity and securing the appropriate co-determination presents an enormous challenge for workers’ organizations. Using our education and networks, we want to do our part to enable workers’ organizations to find positive solutions for these urgent questions.


Special project for workers' organisations in candidate countries – Concluding perspective seminar
Sofia / BG


Future of Work - EZA Project Coordination 2019

New working relationships: digitalisation and trade union strategies

Digital world of work – technological developments and changes at the workplace

Working and living after the crisis

Integration and inclusion in the labour market in the European Union

Prospects for trade union action in Europe during and after the crisis: challenges, strategic approaches, self-conception and positioning

Ways out of the Debt Crisis

Compatibility of work and family life

Information and consultation in SMEs

Ethics in enterprises

Flexicurity - more security through greater flexibility in the labour market?