Responsible public procurement? The public sector in conflict over its role as an employer and as a guarantor of quality jobs

Alcalá de Henares / ES

The project deals with the role of the public sector as an important contracting and employing structure on the one hand and the lack of respect for workers' rights in public contracts and public employment on the other hand. Legal bases in this context, instruments, and experiences of workers' organisations in Europe to better monitor the implementation of workers' interests in public contracts will be exchanged, analysed and evaluated.

USO – CCFAS (Unión Sindical Obrera – Centro Confederal de Formación y Acción Social)
Laura Estévez Fernández
Tel.: +34 - 91 - 577 41 13
E-mail: laura.estevez(at)uso.es

Languages: de, es, it, pt

Project no.: 60-04-24-SE