
News, reports, information - this is the place for current news from our network.

Two new contributions to the social Dialog now available

Studies and project reports about "Quality of work" and the "European Pillar of Social Rights" are now free to download.

Best practice examples tackling undeclared work

The COVID 19 pandemic has placed undeclared workers under the spotlight, particularly in key sectors such as cleaning and care services, agriculture and tourism.

Announcement: EESC Civil Solidarity Prize

EZA draws attention to the Civil Solidarity Prize with which the European Commission would like to honour contributions to combating the Covid-19 crisis.

In seven stages out of the crisis

In seven stations, EZA partners from Austria show ways out of the Corona crisis - on the basis of Christian social teaching.

Decision from 2022: improving the working conditions of long-distance drivers

After three years of negotiations long-distance drivers from eastern Europe will especially benefit.

"Things go seriously wrong in the MERCOSUR-region"

EZA-Member ACV comments the current state of the art of the trade agreement between EU and Latin American countries.

"EU-members must abide by the rule of law"

EZA-President Luc Van den Brande on the results of the latest EU-Summit.

Reinforcing Social Europe during COVID-19

Have your say in inreinforcing Social Europe. The EU-Commission launches consultation roadshow.

EESSI - the state of play

The state of play of the Electronic Exchange Social Security Information (ESSI) after the consultations.

Latest publication now online

"Working and living in a digitalized world" - latest EZA-publication is now a available.