Announcement: EESC Civil Solidarity Prize

EZA draws attention to the Civil Solidarity Prize with which the European Commission would like to honour contributions to combating the Covid-19 crisis.

We like to inform you that the European Commission’s European Economic and Social Committee has launched a new call for proposals seeking to recognise solidarity initiatives tackling the Covid-19 emergency and its repercussions in Europe.

The Prize will reward up to 29 not-for-profit initiatives carried out by natural persons, civil society organisations or private companies which aim to tackle the pandemic and its manifold consequences. The deadline for submitting applications is 30 September 2020 at 12:00 noon (CEST). More information on the contest, the rules and the application form are available on our website.

The contest rules are available on the website of the EESC in all languages: https://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/agenda/our-events/events/civil-solidarity-prize#downloads
The application form is available by clicking on this link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/CivilSolidarityPrize
For further information, please send an email to: EESCprize(at)eesc.europa.eu