
News, reports, information - this is the place for current news from our network.

SURE system presented

EU financial instrument tackles the economic and social consequences of the pandemic

EZA mourns the loss of its Honorary President Leo Pauwels

The Honorary President of EZA has died at the age of 84.

Reinforced European Youth Guarantee against youth unemployment after COVID-19

Cindy Franssen (EPP) on new measures to combat youth unemployment.

Action week: #EU4FairWork

The EU Commission is taking positive stock of the campaign against undeclared work.

Guideline for Christian Social Teaching

EZA analyzes the papal encyclical "Fratellli tutti" for workers' organisations.

Portugal a model for EU solution

The country on the Atlantic has a long tradition of minimum wages. The EU could now benefit from this.

Training series: Young Leaders

The programme trains future leaders of workers' organisations. Part Three has now begun.

"We should take that as an acknowledgment of our work"

EZA-President Luc Van den Brande comments the State of the Union Speech.

INVOTUNES findings summarized

European Commission-funded research project aimed at examining the involvement of national trade union.

Combating youth unemployment caused by Covid-19

ILO policy paper with recommendations for dealing with youth unemployment published.