
News, reports, information - this is the place for current news from our network.

Reinforcing Social Europe during COVID-19

Have your say in inreinforcing Social Europe. The EU-Commission launches consultation roadshow.

EESSI - the state of play

The state of play of the Electronic Exchange Social Security Information (ESSI) after the consultations.

Latest publication now online

"Working and living in a digitalized world" - latest EZA-publication is now a available.

EZA goes digital: Webinar series started

Employee interests in the Corona period and social media: EZA offers webinars three days in a row.

Back to normal in 7 steps

FCG from Austria shows ways out of the Corona crisis with an innovative blog project.

Digitalisation and trade union strategies: New publication released

In the series Contributions to Social Dialogue our 37th freely available publication has been published under the title: "New working relationships: digitalisation and trade union strategies".

EU-OSHA'S World Day for Safety and Health at Work

"Stop the pandemic: Safety and health at work can save lives" - that is the slogan of this year’s World Day for Safety and Health at Work in Geneva on 28 April co-ordinated by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Since 2016 EZA is a campaign partner.

EZA welcomes you to our new website

New look, same quality. Welcome to the new website of the European Centre for Workers’ Questions.

First edition of the EZA Magazin published

Exciting stories from Europe and information from our members. Read the first edition of the EZA Magazin here

Budget line "Information and training measures for workers' organisations"

The Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Integration of the European Commission has published a new call for proposals VP2020/02 for workers' organisations. Further information: