Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD): strengthening social partners, workers representatives and (European) works council members to actively integrate upcoming national an European HRDD legislation in the social dialogue

Brussels / BE

The project is to discuss about the role of social dialogue in creating and monitoring of legislation about responsibility of enterprises regarding the respect of human rights (due diligence) in supply chains and to look on initiatives of European institutions about these issues.

BIE Int. (Bouw-Industrie & Energie International)
Laetitia Baldan and Jan Franco
Tel.: +32 - 2 - 499 41 30 84 (Baldan)
Tel.: +32 - 2 - 285 02 59 (Franco)
E-mail: laetitia.baldan(at)acv-csc.be  and  jan.franco(at)acv-csc.be

Languages: en, es, fr, it, nl, pl

Project no.: 25-01-22-SE