
News, reports, information - this is the place for current news from our network.

A big thank you – farewell to Andreas Gjecaj

On behalf of EZA, we said goodbye to Andreas Gjecaj (middle) at the “Conference on Trade Union Cooperation in Europe” (KGZE), held in Vienna at the end of April.

Parliament calls for binding minimum income legislation

The European Parliament is concerned that the recent minimum income recommendation adopted by the Council won’t enable the EU to reduce poverty by half by 2030. A binding instrument – a directive – could be the right tool.


The European Commission has declared 2023 the European Year of Skills.

EZA Brussels Conference 2023

Two days of discussions on anti-inflation policies in Europe and the role of workers' organisations

Minimum wage and European Years of skills

Elke Hannack visits EZA’s secretariat in Königswinter

Solidarnosc raises its voice for those who can’t

EZA is proud to have such a committed member

Platform workers: EP has taken its position.

The majority of the MEP’s adopted the resolution to support the full rights for platform workers.

Time to change the rules on European works council, says European Parliament

The European Parliament adopted with a large majority a resolution calling on the Commission to revise the 2009 European works councils directive

An adequate minimum income across the EU at last?

The Council adopts a recommendation on adequate minimum income. Meanwhile, the European Parliament and NGOs call for binding rules on the matter.

Spain raises the minimum wage

The minimum interprofessional wage will rise by 80 euros per month by 2023. "A very positive development, although several factors cast a shadow over this news," explains USO Secretary General Joaquín Pérez.