Work – decent and fair! Growing the good in Europe

Brixen / IT

The aim is to develop ethical and environmental criteria and essential measures that are significant factors in work in the digital age, taking into account the changes arising from the Covid-19 pandemic from the perspective of workers. The main theme of the seminar is to discuss work that is humane, fair, social and just. In this context, we will present, examine and evaluate future concepts such as the common good economy, the activity society and the post-growth society.

KAB Deutschlands (Katholische Arbeitnehmer-Bewegung Deutschlands e.V.)
Contact data:
Christoph Holbein-Munske and Norbert Jansen
Tel.: +49 - 23 64 - 105 - 0
E-mail: holbein-munske(at)koenzgenhaus.de  and  jansen(at)koenzgenhaus.de

Languages: de, en

Project no.: 25-03-22-SE