The project is to
- discuss the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on employment, relationships, working methods and the social implications in Europe
- assess what this means for workers’ lives, the lives of their families and the population in general in terms of job stability and security
- find ways to live dignified lives, experience personal and community fulfilment, social protection and social development
- explore economic and social consequences, especially for workers, of the current pandemic, and what this means to the future of employment, the valuing or devaluing of human work, equal distribution of riches, social dialogue, social stability and cohesion and integral development of the populations of Europe
- debate how to ensure that labour relations are positive for companies and employees and contribute to an economy where work itself and workers have dignity and rights
- come up with concrete ideas that can be shared among management and trade unions, political powers, governments so that, by means of social dialogue, solutions can be find that bring sustainable development for the whole population.
LOC/MTC (Liga Operária Católica - Movimento de Trabalhadores Cristãos)
Américo Monteiro and Alice Marques
Tel.: +351 - 21 - 390 77 11
E-mail: americo.monteiro1960(at) and mariaalicepereira867(at)
Languages: de, en, es, fr, pt
Project no.: 25-02-21-SE