The European twin transition (digital and green) and the role of the social dialogue on safeguarding the jobs

Bucharest / RO

The aim of the seminar is to analyse what impact the digital transformation and the Green Deal will have on the professional life of workers, both in the workplace and in terms of labour relations. Important issues will be discussed regarding the extent to which workers and the organisations that represent them are involved in this transformation, and the extent to which public administrations and employers are willing to listen to the views of trade unions and effectively involve them in decision-making processes.

IFES (Institutul de Formare Economică şi Socială)
Silviu Traian Ispas
Tel.: +40 - 264 - 4125 27
E-mail: ifes(at)ifes.ro

Languages: en, es, fr or it, ro

Project no.: 23-04-22-SE