The European care strategy, a pillar of social dialogue

Ciudad Real / ES

Against the background of the quality of life in rural areas, the seminar is dedicated to the topic of care, in particular the difficult working conditions and low wage levels in the care sector. The aim is to find out how employee organisations can contribute to attracting more people, especially men, to work in the care sector, how long-term care must be organised in order to provide people with care needs with a decent standard of living, how training for care professionals must be organised or reformed to take account of changing working conditions and how digital solutions can be introduced to support the provision of care services and what must be taken into account by employee organisations.

Afammer (Confederación Nacional de Federación y Asociaciones de Familias y Mujeres del Medio Rural)
Carmen Quintanilla Barba
Tel.: +34 - 926 23 27 98
E-mail: afammer(at)afammer.es

Languages: en, es, fr, it

Project no.: 03-04-23-SE-N