Preserving the rule of law and a working democracy as a pre-requisite for social prosperity: the role of workers’ organizations

Leiria / PT

The seminar will discuss the value of the rule of law and functional and participatory democracy and what they can mean for the social wellbeing of workers and societies in Europe. The role that workers' organisations should play in defending and promoting the stability and security of these values in terms of human dignity and social development will be discussed.

LOC/MTC (Liga Operária Católica - Movimento de Trabalhadores Cristãos)
Américo Monteiro and Alice Marques
Tel.: +351 - 21 - 390 77 11
E-mail: americo.monteiro1960(at)gmail.com  and  mariaalicepereira867(at)gmail.com

Languages: de, en or fr, es, pt

Project no.: 25-06-22-SE