Precarious work

Băile Felix / RO

The project focuses on how to combat precarious work. Here, the legal regulations on labour relations, social protection and the labour market will be analysed and the project will examine the influence of digitalisation on precarious work. Effective examples of measures and initiatives of workers' organisations will be exchanged, taking into account the EU's efforts to set minimum wages to combat precarious work.

CSDR / Departamentul Educare - Formare al CSDR (Confederaţia Sindicatelor Democratice din România / Departamentul Educare - Formare al Confederaţiei Sindicatelor Democratice din România)
Ioan Leon Naroşi
Tel.: +40 - 21 - 310 20 80
E-mail: international(at)csdr.ro

Languages: de, en, es, ro

Project no.: 09-01-23-SE