Inflation and loss of purchasing power, what to do?

Santarém / PT

The project is about protecting disadvantaged population groups from the severe economic and social consequences of inflation and loss of purchasing power, especially due to the rapid increase in housing costs and bank interest rates. To this end, a situation analysis with systemic questions will be carried out, a justice assessment with the question to whom the current developments benefit/harm and options for action will be explored taking into account social dialogue.

LOC/MTC (Liga Operária Católica - Movimento de Trabalhadores Cristãos)
Américo Monteiro and Maria de Fátima Moreira Pinto
Tel.: +351 - 21 - 390 77 11
E-mail: americo.monteiro1960(at)gmail.com  and  fatimapinto.delaes(at)gmail.com

Languages: de, en or fr, es, pt

Project no.: 40-05-24-SE