Industrial relations and co-determination

Prague / CZ

This seminar will investigate how traditional work relationships are changing as a result of new technologies, new forms of consumption, a new type of business organization and a new attitude towards work that is particularly evident in the younger generation. In this context, the seminar will analyse (with regard to the various EU countries) how the social dialogue can be used to ensure that these different needs - the development of workers on the one hand and economic efficiency on the other hand - can be harmonised brought into harmony at the level of companies, industries and nation states.

CFTC (Confédération Française des Travailleurs Chrétiens)
Joseph Thouvenel
Tel.: +33 - 1 - 73 30 49 17
E-mail: jthouvenel(at)cftc.fr

Languages: de, en, fr and others

Project no.: 26-02-21-SE