From Linear to Circular: The role of workers' organisations in the circular economy

(Algarve) / PT

The aim of the seminar is twofold: on the one hand, representatives from workers' organisations will informed of the European Union's action plans for the transition to a circular economy. On the other, the seminar will explain what workers' organisations and consumers can do to help protect jobs and dignified work in the transition to a circular economy. In this context, the focus will be on the importance of sustainable tourism.

FIDESTRA (Associação para a Formação, Investigação e Desenvolvimento Social dos Trabalhadores)
Maria Reina Martín
Tel.: +351 - 21 - 887 62 59
E-mail: mariareina.martin(at)gmail.com

Languages: de, en, fr, it, pt

Project no.: 08-04-23-SE