European Green Deal and Employment

Setúbal / PT

The coronavirus pandemic has made the labour market situation significantly worse for workers in some sectors. The Ukraine war has led to sudden and rapidly rising price increases, particularly for energy and food, which has significantly reduced the purchasing power of all workers. In view of the climate change that is happening more quickly than anticipated, however, the importance of European climate policy - and here in particular the goals of the European Green Deal - must not be pushed into the background. The project aims to show workers' organisations in Europe ways in which they can achieve dignified work and a dignified wage in the transition to a climate-neutral economy, particularly in today's world.

LOC/MTC (Liga Operária Católica - Movimento de Trabalhadores Cristãos)
Américo Monteiro and Maria de Fátima Moreira Pinto
Tel.: +351 - 21 - 390 77 11
E-mail: americo.monteiro1960(at)gmail.com  and  fatimapinto.delaes(at)gmail.com

Languages: de, en or fr, es, pt

Project no.: 08-06-23-SE