Decent work promoting economic growth and full employment

Marsala / IT

The objectives of European Union form the reference points of this project, namely to achieve employment by 2030, ensure decent work for all, inclusion and equal pay for equal work. The discussion will focus on how employment contributes to economic growth. We must always bear in mind that, particularly in times of high inflation, purchasing power ensures growth and enables the development of sustainable enterprises and especially small businesses, which can then in turn hire workers. Decent work generates more tax revenue in individual countries, which are therefore able to finance social policies designed to support people who cannot find work or who are unable to work. Strategies for workers' organisations on how to strengthen purchasing power and secure decent work will be developed in the seminar.

MCL / EFAL (Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori / Ente Nazionale per la Formazione e l'Addestramento dei Lavoratori)
Giorgio D’Antoni and Maria Pangaro
Tel.: +39 - 06 - 92 09 68 36
E-mail: efal(at)mcl.it
presidente(at)efal.it (Giorgio D’Antoni)
m.pangaro(at)mcl.it (Maria Pangaro)

Languages: de, en, es, it

Project no.: 09-02-23-SE