Main focus of the common project of EZA and HIVA about the EU Employment Package was the quality of jobs in sectors where job creation is to be expected and on the role workers’ organisations can play to secure job quality and improve jobs where new risks emerge or known risks play an increasing role.
The research report focuses on sectors with the potential for job creation, on the characteristics of these new jobs and on the role social partners can play to improve the quality of these jobs.
In the first part, we discuss employment growth in Europe in recent years and job growth prospects until 2020. Secondly, we discuss how to define the growing sectors within international surveys. Furthermore, the report presents recent literature and models of job quality as well as the job quality indicators and job quality outcomes that will be used. Finally, we constructed eight job types, each with their own specific set of good and bad job characteristics. These job types are described and analysed in detail.
In the second part of the report, the three selected sectors are analysed in detail. Starting with a definition of the sector, we will then look at the employment growth in these sectors and their potential for job creation in the next few years. Then we analyse the distribution of the job types and look into job quality in each sector. More detailed analyses for gender, origin and skill level complement the picture. We also include findings from previous research regarding job quality in these sectors and some examples. This part concludes with some general and sector-specific suggestions for workers’ strategies to enhance job quality in their sector.
The brochure is published in German, English and Spanish and can be requested from EZA. It is also available online.