Health and safety at work is a classic and important issue for workers’ organisations. As jobs change, new challenges are thrown up in this field. Whereas it used to be a matter of preventing the risks of physical accidents, today coping with stress at work is one of the most pressing tasks.
For several years now a group of member centres of the European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA) has concentrated on this issue in its projects. Following an initial cycle of seminars in the 2005 / 2006 education and training years on preventing risks of accidents at work, some of the project partners of that time regrouped in the 2010 education and training year to examine the question of how workers’ organisations could help prevent stress at work.
Our aim with this brochure’s results and recommendations for action is to give workers’ organisations and their multipliers ideas for their daily tasks in health and safety at work.
The brochure has been published in German, English, Portuguese and Romanian and can be requested from EZA.
Brochure for downloading: