
News, reports, information - this is the place for current news from our network.

EZA board member Prof. dr. Franjo Topić is the winner of the individual Sixth of April Award in the field of culture

In Sarajevo City Hall, on Saturday, the ceremonial session of the City Council of the City of Sarajevo was held on the occasion of the 6th of April, the Day of the City of Sarajevo, when the Sixth of April award was officially presented to prof. dr. Franjo Topić in the field of culture.

The Sixth of April is the highest and most prestigious decoration given annually by the City of Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Recipients are…

Seminars in May 2019

European Pillar of Social Rights – implementations and proposals for workers' organisations

09.05. – 11.05.2019, Vilnius / LT

LPS „Solidarumas“ (Lietuvos Profesinė Sąjunga „Solidarumas“)

Contact: Kristina Krupavičienė

E-mail: kristinalpss(at)hotmail.com


Fair working conditions: The European Pillar of Social Rights as the basis for new social partner consensus

10.05. – 12.05.2019, Nals / IT

AFB (Arbeiter-, Freizeit- und Bildungsverein)


European conference on the subject of “Healthy Workplaces”

Trade union representatives from France, Poland, Portugal and Germany met in Bonn from 14 to 16 March 2019 to discuss "Healthy Workplaces - Recognizing and Managing Dangerous Substances" and measures to raise awareness and preventive action in their respective communities to inform industries. Presented were examples from the chemical, mineral oil, agriculture, waste management, water management, construction and wood, freight, food,…

EZA News no. 1/2019


Interview with Luc Van den Brande, new President of the European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA); Future of Work – 100 years of ILO: EZA seminar in Bucharest; 7th European Social Week in Milan: Challenging times for work and social dialogue; European Project SACADOS: Promote in-company learning; Focal topics of the EZA 2019 education programme

Working conditions of migrant workers in focus

From March 11 to 14, 2019, representatives of projects and initiatives from churches and trade unions discussed in the Herzogenrath Nell Breuning House the often inhumane situation of migrant workers and sought approaches to improving them. Maria Reina Martin, vice-president of the European Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA), stressed that it is important to remember that this is about people, not numbers. "All people have the same rights…

Challenging times for work and social dialogue - 7th European Social Week (ESW) in Milan

The 7th European Social Week (ESW) took place in Milan from 14 to 16 February 2019. More than 100 participants from 21 European countries addressed the great social, economic and societal challenges facing Europe for which realistic solutions must be found.

To start, the Chair of the “Notre Europe” institute and former Prime Minister of Italy, Enrico Letta, gave a synopsis of the current political situation in Europe.

EU Commissioner Marianne…

Focal topics of the EZA 2019 education programme

The focuses of the European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA) 2019 education programme are the topics of “Youth employment”, “The future of work - Changing changing labour relations” and “Safety and health at work”. In addition, the topic “Strategies of European Institutions” will also be continued, with this year's focus area “The future of a social Europe - effects and prospects for the European Pillar of Social Rights and other social…

The new EZA President: Luc Van den Brande

The new President of the European Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA) Luc Van den Brande, former Belgian Minister of Labour and Employment, former Prime Minister of the Flemish Region, is a proven European. He is currently a member of the EU Committee of the Regions and Special Adviser to the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude-Juncker, for the outreach towards the citizens.

The doctor of law does not only have a background as a…