Our member Solidarumas celebrates its 35th anniversary.

Thirty-five years ago, at such a difficult time in history, a spark of hope shone for Lithuania

On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the LPS “Solidarumas”, we would like to send you our warmest congratulations on behalf of EZA. Founded on 1 July 1989, Solidarumas has made a remarkable journey, marked by commitment, dedication and the tireless pursuit of justice and social dialogue. Especially in the early years, you helped to shape what we watched with great sympathy from afar - the independence of your country from the former Soviet Union. Solidarumas was certainly much more than a trade union; you played a major role in Lithuania's fight for independence and your country's subsequent accession to the EU.

Solidarumas has been a full member of EZA since 2013, so we can look back on more than a decade of close cooperation. During this time, we have implemented numerous initiatives and trainings together, always in a spirit of dialogue and common objectives. The very first seminar in 2014 provided valuable insights into the role of social partners in the implementation of youth employment strategies. We have also created opportunities to discuss the minimum wage in 2021 or social security and in particular the European unemployment reinsurance in 2022. 

Our would especially like to thank Jovita, who always keeps in touch with EZA on behalf of LPS “Solidarumas” and is incredibly active in the EZA network: not only in all the seminars, but also for instance by identifying interview partners for our EZA Magazine or as a member of the EZA Council. Thank you very much, Jovita! 

A special milestone in our cooperation was without any doubt the EZA kick-off seminar 2022, which LPS “Solidarumas” very successfully organised together with LDF in Vilnius. This kick-off seminar - the first on-site kick-off after the COVID pandemic - not only opened up valuable perspectives on the – still today very topical - question of "Solidarity and Social Peace in Troubled Times", but also further strengthened and deepened our cooperation. We remember with pleasure the very pleasant and competent cooperation in the preparation and realisation of the event, as well as the great city tour in the best weather.

Special emphasis was given in the kick-off seminar to your endeavour to sustain Ukrainian refugees, welcoming them but, very important, to develop ways to include them in your labour market. 

Your tireless work and commitment – especially here in Lithuania at the Eastern border of the EU - is a shining example of the importance of social dialogue and our joint struggle for workers' rights and democracy in Europe. LPS “Solidarumas” stands for a culture of dialogue, justice, cooperation and, of course, solidarity - values that are more important than ever today. At a time when the world of work is facing unprecedented challenges, our commitment to workers' rights and social dialogue is crucial. It is vital that we continue to work together for a fair and just world of work, where workers' voices are heard and respected.

We at EZA highly value our partnership with LPS “Solidarumas” and look forward to many more years of successful collaboration. Let's celebrate together the achievements of the past 35 years and look to the future with optimism and determination.

Once more, our cordial congratulations on your 35th anniversary!