Yes, we are! We have been confirmed as the official campaign partner of the “Safe and healthy work in the digital age” campaign from 2023 to 2025. The Healthy Workplaces Campaigns from the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), are among the largest of their kind in the world and have been part of the EZA DNA since 2016.
In the early 1990s there were 4 million accidents at work in Europe - 8,000 of which were fatal. EU-OSHA was founded in 1994 by decision of the Council in response to this alarmingly high number. Health and safety at work are also of central importance to us. Both for us as an employer and as a European network of employee organisations.
Digital technologies are advancing faster than any innovation in our history and have transformed our society and our daily lives. While they provide opportunities for workers and employers in many workplaces and sectors, they also greater challenges and risks in terms of health and safety.
According to EU-OSHA’s 2019 ESENER survey, the vast majority of businesses in the EU have integrated digital technologies into their operations. However, despite the increasing use of robots, laptops or smartphones, less than one in four employers (24%) in the EU discuss the potential impact of such technologies on the health and safety of workers.
The “Safe and healthy work in the digital age” campaign aims to raise awareness, provide practical resources and bring stakeholders together, and is in line with the Vision Zero approach of the European Commission in promoting a culture of prevention.
Health and safety in the workplace affect us all. They are important for you. They are good for business.