The sun was shining and the city was full. Perfect conditions for good and constructive discussions about the European Union, EZA itself and the society in which we all live together.
Under the motto "Celebrating democracy, shaping the future", the city of Bonn celebrated Europe Day on its market square on 11 May 2024. In addition to around 40 exhibitors, EZA itself was also represented. Throughout the day, discussions were held, materials were exchanged and knowledge was shared. The upcoming European elections on 9 June and the geopolitical world situation were particular focal points of the discussions. As the one cannot be separated from the other and we as EZA want to make our contribution to greater understanding and education, we were very happy to be there. Engaging in dialogue also means showing presence. It was a great day with dialogue partners from over 20 countries.
We would like to thank the city of Bonn and everyone who helped to make this day so positive.