The lack of employment opportunities for women in rural areas as decisive factor for depopulation (part 2)

Venue not yet defined / IT

The project deals with the responsibility of social dialogue and employee organisations in combating emigration from economically and labour market weak regions and in shaping the consequences of demographic developments on the labour market with a particular focus on the emigration of women from rural areas and the reasons for this.

MCL / EFAL (Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori / Ente Nazionale per la Formazione e l'Addestramento dei Lavoratori)
Giorgio D’Antoni and Maria Pangaro
Tel.: +39 - 06 - 92 09 68 36
E-mail: efal(at)mcl.it (Giorgio D’Antoni)
m.pangaro(at)mcl.it (Maria Pangaro)

in cooperation with

USO – CCFAS (Unión Sindical Obrera – Centro Confederal de Formación y Acción Social)
Laura Estévez Fernández
Tel.: +34 - 91 - 577 41 13
E-mail: laura.estevez(at)uso.es

Languages: es, it, pt

Project no.: 15-11-24-SE2