The labour market situation of migrants and refugees in the face of social, economic and political changes in Europe

The seminar “The labour market situation of migrants and refugees in the face of social, economic and political changes in Europe” took place in Lublin in days 14 -15.10.2022, organised by Europejski Dom Spotkań - Fundacja Nowy Staw in cooperation with IPCM (International Platform for Cooperation and Migration) and EZA, funded by the European Union.

During the seminar we hosted members of worker’s organisations from Poland, Portugal, Albania, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Malta, Cyprus, Greece, Slovakia, Belgium, Italy.


The richness of the panel discussions was made possible by the participation of speakers representing various labour market circles: trade unions, NGOs working on behalf of refugees and migrants, universities, companies employing migrants. The panels included people from different parts of Europe measuring the problems and challenges of the labour market for migrants in the past and present.

The main aim of the planned seminar was a discussion about current situation of migrants and refugees in Europe – in special reference to the situation of COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences for labour market and also currents situation of refugees in Europe and their employment situation.

Naturally a special attention was paid to refugees from Ukraine and their integration into the labour market in various European countries, especially in Poland. Their situation was widely discussed in the conference room and during breaks.

The seminar provided an opportunity to share experiences of working with refugees, good practices related to surrounding them with care and support in professional activation, as well as the challenges and tasks facing Europe in this dimension. Crucial was the process of seeking answers during the seminar to the questions: what can we do for refugees as representatives of labour organizations? What are the challenges facing the European Union? What does our solidarity with war refugees and migrants seeking better living conditions in our countries look like?


During this 2-days seminar speakers and seminar audience could exchange knowledge and reflections connected with different aspects of migrants and refugees in face of social, economic and political changes in Europe as follows:

  • The impact of the pandemic and the current socio-political situation on the European labour market
  • The situation of refugees in Europe and the historical background of the various migration movements
  • Contemporary problems and challenges of socio-occupational integration for refugees and migrants
  • Models of integration of migrants and refugees in the modern European labour market - good practices, system solutions
  • The role of trade unions and non governmental organisations in integration of migrants and refugees on the labour market
  • Refugee & migrants friendly workplace – conditions and positive examples of solutions
  • The value of work and human capital in the context of christian social teaching
  • The value of migrant labour in depopulating countries and needed legal solutions

The seminar was largely in the form of a debate, in which speakers were able to address the topic of discussion in their presentation by contributing a high level of substantive value. All speakers prepared high quality graphic and factual multimedia presentations. Each panel was followed by a session of questions and comments. During the seminar there was also a workshop in which there was an opportunity for greater interaction between the presenter and the audience which boiled down to an exchange of ideas and questions related to refugee assistance. The seminar ended with a study visit to the Center run by the Nowy Staw Foundation, where war refugees from Ukraine live. It was held on the basis of a meeting with 4 representatives - Ukrainian women who told about their current situation, as well as answered questions from seminar participants. This meeting provided an opportunity to hear individual dramatic stories up close and personal declarations of continued support from IPCM and EZA representatives.


During our discussion panels and exchange of knowledge and good practices following conclusions and recommendations have been developed:

  • Strengthen cooperation and dialogue among European countries to help refugees and build an attitude of acceptance and sensitivity to their needs
  • The need for solidarity and cooperation at the European Union level in the face of the Russian onslaught on Ukraine, as well as conducting joint and solidarity activities of the organizations that make up the EZA to bring multifaceted assistance to war refugees
  • To promote and develop active policies to support employment with the assumption that people are at the center of our actions; a synergy of various activities: reduction of employment costs, development of training and educational opportunities, modification of tax systems, ensuring fair wages and minimum income
  • In a post-pandemic situation, it is important to create new jobs - especially those related to manufacturing so that Europe can become independent of China and its supply chains
  • Demand that the EU directive on minimum wages be adopted and collective bargaining be strengthened - this will contribute to a higher standard of living for workers
  • Need to take measures to reduce illegal migration and ensure adequate border control; simplify the system for obtaining work permits in European countries
  • Adapting the education system for refugees and migrants, introducing a clear rule of integration policy and strengthening migrants' participation in society
  • The integration of refugees should be understood as a great task facing European countries, especially countries like Poland, which is at the beginning of this road;
  • The need to develop appropriate and functional models for working with refugees at the general (legal) and local levels (practical, daily work of state institutions and NGOs)
  • Emphasize the role of community and humanism in combating migration chaos
  • Promote cooperation of training, industry and economic centres in the area for appropriate labour activation and integration of migrants
  • The role of building strong workers' organizations in order to interact with refugees and protect their labour rights by organizing training courses, social campaigns, legal assistance, a functional recruitment process, elimination of the shadow economy, and the fight for decent working conditions and wages