Adult education on European social dialogue in the digital era - Part 2

Herzogenrath / DE

The coronavirus pandemic has created new challenges for the educational work that is done regarding the European social dialogue. Restricted travel options made it necessary to use digital, internet-based, and video-supported seminar formats and have been an integral part of the EZA education programme ever since. The objective of the project is to provide practical information on how digital learning is different from traditional educational formats, and the requirements that must be satisfied by both learners and teachers when it comes to digital learning formats. Another objective is a discussion of what digital learning frameworks and scenarios may look like, and a presentation of different digital learning methods and the appropriate tools and applications.

NBH (Nell-Breuning-Haus)
Rainer Rißmayer
Tel.: +49 - 24 06 - 95 58 - 18
E-mail: rainer.rissmayer@nbh.de

in cooperation with

EZA (Europäisches Zentrum für Arbeitnehmerfragen)
Sigrid Schraml
Tel.: +49 - 22 23 - 29 98 - 0
E-mail: eza@eza.org

Languages: not yet defined

Project no.: 70-11-24-KU